Learning Nielsen’s Heuristics is Easier than Ever!
When conducting an UX expert review, the need to look back at the criterias’ definition is common. A browser tab referring to Nielsen’s usability heuristics (or other ergonomic criterias) is always open right next to the product being reviewed, and you often have to go back and forth between the two.
As a professional, you are familiar with the cognitive cost of frequent context switching. Saving time on the handling part of the task allows you to focus on what is really important and valuable: your review!
That is why now include a contextual help section right in the criteria box!
From now on, you can easily access the criteria descriptions without ever exiting the evaluation context. As some rules may be harder to remember, the contextual help will allow you to know them better as you see them from time to time.
With this new learning help, getting to know the usability principles has never been as easy!
For those who are confident enough regarding their knowledge, or for students that would love to practice, you can always turn off the help in the preference settings.
Have fun reviewing!